Step up for your community and become a Parish Councillor
You are invited to stand for one of the seven seats on our parish council.
See the link below to download an information sheet on the Parish Council Elections. This will give you details on eligibility criteria and on the role of a parish councillor.
Ask the Clerk or the Chair of the council if you have any questions regarding the role of a parish councillor (see email links in the contact details box below).
Anyone interested in standing for election must submit a nomination paper during the defined nomination period.
The timeframe and deadline for submitting nominations will be between the Notice of Election (yet to be announced) and 2 April 2025. Prospective candidates should carefully note the submission deadlines and the location of the accepting office.
Nomination packs can be either handwritten or typed, but all signatures must be original (wet signatures).
The original nomination papers must be delivered by hand to the relevant office, as specified in the Notice of Election, before the close of nominations. The Returning Officer will not accept emails or photocopies of the final submission.
To aid the return of nomination papers the Clerk is willing to deliver the papers to the accepting office on behalf of candidates.
The Clerk and the Chair are ready to help any candidate with the completion of their nomination paper. Use the link below to download a nomination paper.