HARRINGWORTH & SHOTLEY News and what's on


We promise a great day out in Harringworth on Saturday 15 June 2024 from 12.00 – 4.00pm. Set in the lovely garden of Church Cottage there is something for everyone at our fun Village Fete.

Just as you would anticipate at a quintessential Summer Fete we have a variety of stalls including Bric-A-Brac, Tombola, Cakes, Books, Plants, Made in Harringworth plus games and activities for children. Several local Rutland Artisans are joining the Fete including Little Print Gifts, Dilly-Dally Jewellery & ZanyPig.

With a BBQ serving burgers and sausages, Afternoon Tea with cakes and cream teas and our popular Pimm’s tent you are promised a great afternoon with the bonus of views of the Welland Viaduct.

The Meadow adjacent to Church Cottage offers free parking and there are Toilets in the Village Hall.

We hope you can join us.

In aid of Harringworth Appeals Fund


SATURDAYS 10.30 – Noon

The Café is open every Saturday from 10.30 – Noon in St John the Baptist Church, Harringworth thanks to a team of willing volunteers. 

We look forward to seeing you for delicious hot coffee, homemade cakes, sausage rolls and much more… so please encourage neighbours, friends and family to visit. If you know a walking or cycling group do pass on the details so they can join us, too. 

The café is run by volunteers so please sign up if you would like to help at the café on a Saturday and/or bake cakes! 

Thank you in advance for all your support and contributions

All the proceeds from the Café go to the Harringworth Appeals Fund.


Mosaic in Concert

'From Bach to the Beatles'

Performing a wide repertoire of classical and popular music from the 16th to the 21st century, Mosaic is a chamber choir who specialise in a cappella for eight voices. They were formed in 2007 and perform regularly around the East Midlands – a treat not to be missed.

Tickets £12.50

With a free glass of wine and canapé


How to Book:

Email your booking request to harringworthvillage@gmail.com with your name and number of tickets or call Philippa on 07858 504568.

To pay via BACS pay Harringworth Appeals Fund Sort Code 40-45-03 and Account Number 51075659 and Reference Mosaic @ £12.50 per ticket.

In aid of Harringworth Appeals Fund

North Northamptonshire Council


Please report to NNC Highways any blocked road drains or major pot holes.

This is easily done via the Fix My Street on the NNC website or alternatively by giving them a call during normal working hours. 

Highways usually respond very quickly – but only if they know about it! 


  • Rae Bird Yoga – Thursday from 10.00am – 11.00am
  • Table Tennis – Tuesday from 2.30pm – 4.30pm
  • Table Tennis – Thursday from 5.00pm – 7.00pm
  • FitSteps with Julie McCrone – Tuesday 9.30am – 10.30am

If you have some news to share, please email it through to harringworthv@gmail.com